The latest buzz...After it rained all day yesterday, I finally got outside today to do a little work. We now have all 32 posts up - all 8 columns standing. Tomorrow, I'll start on the 45 degree angled supports.
The latest buzz....We got our Christmas tree decorated, and then Lazarus discovered that it was a good place to sleep, (since there's a floor vent nearby).
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The latest buzz....I now have all four columns (of 4 posts each) up on the left side. I also have support pieces in place to hold the angled supports that will help stabilize everything.
The latest buzz....I made my first pumpkin pie last night, and it was delicious. (Have a fudge pie in the oven right now.) Judi and I have just finished our Thanksgiving dinner - chicken, dressing and gravy, suchatash, and cranberries. Mighty fine - mighty fine.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The latest buzz....I lifted the heavy beams and dropped them into the corners today. I then finished bolting the corners together - 24 twelve-inch bolts today, for a total of 32 on the corners (8 to a corner). Here's some daylight photos.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The latest buzz....It rained for a couple hours today, but managed - before it rained - to put together the other long beam for the east (left) side of the carport. After it rained, I managed to put the ridge beam together, though I still need to cut the angles in the ends. Judi got home just after dark (which is now just after 5 pm), and we managed to put the big beam up on the left side. Tomorrow, I'll try to get them lifted the last few inches, and dropped in the middle of the corner posts. Once these beams are in place, there will be lots of cutting (the 45 degree angled supports) and drilling (for bolts) to do; not to mention putting up the other 12 posts (which are cut and just need to be drilled and set in place). Can't wait for tomorrow morning, to see this thing in the daylight. It's going to be a super cool structure!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The latest buzz....Forget to show you our Christmas tree. We've had the tree up and lit for almost a week. Probably on Thanksgiving we'll put the ornaments on.
The latest buzz....We got the first 25 foot long (4"x8") beam up. It was massive. We started this beam moving upward by setting it on saw-horses. We then moved it up to the top of our 6-foot step ladders, before we pushed it all the way up. It still has to be lifted and set between the four column posts, but that'll just be a series of small lifts and blocking. I'll build the other long one tomorrow and should be able to get it lifted up as well.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The latest buzz....We had Jim and Jona Keeton over for dinner tonight. Made fried ice cream for the first time. It was good eatin'. Went to Fenian's Pub and played for almost half an hour. Wasn't too excited about my performance, but folks seemed to enjoy most of it. Think I need a new guitar with a built-in pickup, and controls. My acoustic Fender (with the hole-pickup) just isn't cutting it anymore. Will have to wait for a while though.
Have our Chirstmas tree up in the living room - first folks in the neighborhood. Ho, Ho, Ho.
The latest buzz....I've laid out the front and back cross beams - 18' long 4"x8". I still have to put them together and cut an angle at the ends. The latest buzz....The above photo shows I've got a post up behind the front two columns. This should help strengthen the front two columns when I raise up the front beam. That's probably just a couple days away.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The lastest buzz...With concrete complete, the posts are going up. Below you can see the front left column (made up of four 4x4 posts), and the first 4x4 in the back left column. This next picture shows the four 4x4 posts on the front right column The last week or so we've had some nice fall colors. This shot shows the two front columns from the back door stoop. Getting the 4"x8" beams up in the tops of these posts is going to be fun. If the rain stops, you'll see those pictures fairly soon.
The latest buzz....Our concrete pad got poured. Here's our highly trained team, using a Georgia Buggy, and accidentally pouring the first load of concrete over the back of the forms. Things went much smoother after that.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The latest buzz...In case you missed playing PalinasPresident, the bright authors dedicated another link ... never .... so you can still play.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The latest buzz....check out http://www.palinaspresident/ one last time. If you didn't get a chance to play the game, we are really sorry. It's been one of our fun things to do every day for the last 10 or so weeks